As always, the following supports are at your disposal!
- The Peer Tutors at the TLC in C503
- Peer Leaders and Student Success Workshops, D304
Practice the essential skills of Summary and Paraphrase in a small group setting led by your Peer Leaders.
When: Tuesdays & Thursdays
When: Tuesdays & Thursdays
Where: D317 (Tues)
D309 (Thurs)
Time: 12:00-1:30 pm
2. Games Club
Fun Opportunity to Practice your English and meet new friends.
Led by Marcela, a level 8 student
When: Tuesdays
Where: D319
Time: 11:30-1:30 pm
3. Speak Up (levels 4-8)
Practice conversation and public speaking skills in a relaxed atmosphere and make new friends in the process.
When: Wednesday
Where: D309
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm
4. Writing Skills Workshop with Stephen
Improve your planning and writing skills.
When: Thursday
Where: D301
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm
Way to go!!!
Thanks to the students who collected money in their classes by selling origami cranes! Your generosity has raised an additional
$214.13 for relief efforts in Japan!! Congratulations!
A special thank you to the crane-makers and to the students in the following levels:
6B: $60.00
8C: $49.37
5D: $30.61
6E: $24.65
5C: $14.50
7A: $14.00
5B: $10.707A: $14.00
6 : $8.30
4D :$2.00
Together, you have achieved amazing results for this worthy cause!
Check out the following article to learn how to reduce "exam jitters" and improve your test scores. Click Link Below:WEBSITE RECOMMENDATION:

This website is free. However, you do need to sign up to use it. You will receive the premium site for 14 days, after which you'll have access to the free features, including access to videos and the ability to record your own voice. Pronunciation tips are given and it allows you to choose a word and hear it in a video conducted in natural English.
Click Link Below:
English Central
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Also: The School of ESL is on Facebook . "Like" Us to keep updated on events, information and interesting links and to see photos.
From one of our level 5 students:
Winter may be officially over, but the weekend weather is proof that it's holding on for a bit longer! Here are some gorgeous pictures taken this past winter by Bruce Liu, a student in level 5A, to remind us that the weather we had on the weekend wasn't all that bad!
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