Ongoing Supports Available for You:
1. Tutoring at the TLC (Tutoring Learning Centre): Speaking and Writing Tutoring in C503 with Peer Tutors. Check out their blog for more information.
2. Student Success workshops and
Peer Leader assistance:
Check this blog ( for upcoming workshops and clubs, as well as info on study tips and events.
Start your own study group and we'll support you!!
Peer Leaders are available in D304A.
Start your own study group and we'll support you!!
Peer Leaders are available in D304A.
Drop by Tues-Thurs 9-5 or after school MWF.
Workshops this week:
Four Workshops available for Speaking, Listening, Writing and Vocabulary Practice. See below for details.
1. Speak Up (levels 4-8) :
Practice conversation and public speaking skills in a relaxed atmosphere and make new friends in the process.
When: Wednesdays
Where: D309
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm
Fun Opportunity to Practice your English and meet new friends. Join the Games Club with Marcela to learn English and have fun at the same time.
2. Listen Up Workshop
(levels 5 and up)
A new workshop to help you practice listen skills and build your vocabulary by watching and discussing interesting programs and sitcoms.
When: Tues and Thursdays
Where: Tues D316 and Thurs D302
Time: 12-1:30pm
3. Games Club

When: Thursdays
Where: Peer Leader Office, D304 A
2 more weeks left for the VIDEO COMPETITION!!

Win an iPod Nano, Flip Camera or Movie Passes for 2!! A very generous student, Babak Fadaee,has offered to help anyone with editing your video/photoslideshow. Email Dorothy for details or if you have any questions.
Deadline: Friday, June 17th (end of Week 7)--note date change!
Drop off your video, email Dorothy or ask for our YouTube link to upload it yourself.
You can see a couple of examples of video entries from last year's contest!!
1. Do you have a Apple iPhone, iPad or Android Device? Then here's an app you'd definitely want to check out!! SOUNDS Pronunciation App from MacMillan Education.
The free version includes Interactive Phonemic Charts for British English and American English. Tap to hear a sound, or tap and hold to hear the sound and an example word.
In the soon-to-come Paid Premium version you’ll be able to look up, listen to and record words in the WORDLIST; PRACTISE your pronunciation skills; test yourself with the pronunciation QUIZZES; use the phonemic TYPEWRITER; and LEARN with Top Tips, and videos.
i). English Central
ii). SozoExchange
iii). RachelsEnglish
According to Lifehacker training, "Lyrics Training is a really fun approach to helping you pick up a foreign language. Choose a YouTube-hosted music video and select one of three mastery levels; Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert. As the video begins to play, the song's lyrics appear underneath with several words missing. Your job is to fill in the missing words as they're sung.
If you get stumped, the video stops playing until you can come up with the word, but don't take too long because the app keeps track of the time it takes you to fill in the blanks. Click the "Give Up!" button to see the words that elude you." Click the help button for tips on how to use the site.
Comment here to let us know what you think.
Link to Check Out:
The free version includes Interactive Phonemic Charts for British English and American English. Tap to hear a sound, or tap and hold to hear the sound and an example word.
In the soon-to-come Paid Premium version you’ll be able to look up, listen to and record words in the WORDLIST; PRACTISE your pronunciation skills; test yourself with the pronunciation QUIZZES; use the phonemic TYPEWRITER; and LEARN with Top Tips, and videos.
2. No Smartphone? No Problem!
Lots of great sites available on the WWW.
Top Sites for Practice (click on the Site Name to be taken directly there--hit the back key on your browser to come back to the blog)i). English Central
ii). SozoExchange
iii). RachelsEnglish
3. Some more details on last week's link:
Learn English (and other languages) through Music Videos and Lyrics (click below). Type as you listen and choose from beginning, intermediate and advanced levels.
Lyrics Training ( to Lifehacker training, "Lyrics Training is a really fun approach to helping you pick up a foreign language. Choose a YouTube-hosted music video and select one of three mastery levels; Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert. As the video begins to play, the song's lyrics appear underneath with several words missing. Your job is to fill in the missing words as they're sung.
If you get stumped, the video stops playing until you can come up with the word, but don't take too long because the app keeps track of the time it takes you to fill in the blanks. Click the "Give Up!" button to see the words that elude you." Click the help button for tips on how to use the site.
Comment here to let us know what you think.
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