Speaking and Writing Tutoring in C503 with Peer Tutors.
Check out their blog for more information.
2. LAST WEEK for Student Success workshops and
Peer Leader assistance:
Peer Leaders are available in D304A.
Drop by Tues-Thurs 9-5 or after school MWF.
Final Week of Workshops and Peer Leader Support:
Four Workshops available for Speaking, Listening, Writing and Vocabulary Practice. See below for details.
1. Speak Up (levels 4-8) :
Practice conversation and improve your speaking confidence while meeting new friends.
When: Wednesday
Where: D309
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm
2. Listen Up Workshop
(levels 5 and up)
Practice listening skills and build your vocabulary.
When: Tues and Thursdays
Where: Tues D316 and Thurs D302
Time: 12-1:30pm
3. Games Club
When: Thursdays
Where: Peer Leader Office, D304 A

Win an iPod Nano, Flip Camera or Movie Passes for 2!! A very generous student, Babak Fadaee,has offered to help anyone with editing your video/photoslideshow. Email Dorothy for details or if you have any questions. dvangroo@georgebrown.ca
Deadline: Friday, June 17th (end of Week 7)
Drop off your video, email Dorothy or ask for our YouTube link to upload it yourself.
Speaking of Video Competitions, the YMCA is holding a Youth Immigration Story Film Project this summer. Applicants must be 13-24 years of age, a landed immigrant or convention refugee, passionate about film and story-telling and committed to the program's summer schedule.
Check out the website for details on the awesome opportunity. Participants will work with skilled instructors and the deadline to apply is June 24, 2001.

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